26 December 2006

Some people just don't get it....

Some people just don't get it, and it's rather depressing really.

We don't buy a lot of things for our family, Dave and I included. We don't spend thousands of dollars at Christmas or birthdays. Our kids don't have the newest gaming system or the coolest clothes. Not buying those things don't make us bad parents. It doesn't make us selfish, or neglectful. Our kids are happy, healthy, and well cared for. They are just cared for differently than yours. It's what works for us. It doesn't have to work for you.

However, there are always those that equate material posessions with happiness. That buying equals love. I feel a genuine sadness for those people. They just don't get it.

It's not my job as a parent to provide every single want and desire for my children. It's my job to provide for their basic needs, which I do. It's my job to make sure they are happy, which they are. It's my job to make sure they have a sense of vaule and appreciation for the things they have, which they do. It's my job to show them that family matters, stuff doesn't. I think that I am doing a good job and my husband thinks I am doing a good job. That's all that matters.

I must have said it a thousand times. What works for my family may not work for yours and what works for your family may not work for mine, but as long as we find what works for our own families, that's what matters.

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