27 December 2006

New Year, Learn Something New

I recently re-joined a great yahoo group. It's called Making It Home. Anyway, a challenge was just issued. Here's the challenge.

We have just a few days left of 2006! Can you believe it?

For the next few days, as you go about your home, think about at least 3 things that you would like to learn how to do in your home that you have not be able to learn as of yet.

So, I picked 3 things, but I think I might add to them later. I'm thinking that as I master one thing, I might replace it with another. I'm not sure yet. So, here are the 3 things I chose.

1. Learn to keep my mouth shut. You know the whole "if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all" thing. I need to work on this. - Now I know this may not seem like it has anything to do with my home, but I figure my attitude affects my home, so it still counts. :)

2. Learn to manage my home, using the Home Management Binder I've been working on.

3. Declutter. We are moving this year and a lot of stuff needs to go away.

So, you can find out more about the challenge here, as well as a list of ideas of thing you can change, if you can't think of anything. Thinking

I hope you have a great last few days of 2006 and that your 2007 is full of blessings.


Unknown said...

Normally I would be all over this, but with a newborn on the horizon I think I might be sitting myself up for failure! LOL
I would like to get over my hangup's and breastfreed Josiah. Ok, so there is ONE! ~smile~
God Bless,

Amber said...

I so need to do this and check out that site. What a great idea, you are full of inspiration!!

blessedabundantly said...

I'm thinking you might have your hands full in the new year, Michele. :) You're exempt. LOL

Thanks so much Amber. It means a lot.