23 December 2006

Gearing up for the New Year

I think most people plan to start the new year out with a bang and then sorta fizzle out with their "New Year, New Me" concept around April, or sooner for some of us. So I figure in order to be successfull, I need a plan. Now, I balk at plans. The rigidity, the structure, the "lack of freedom" plans stand for drive me bonkers. In my fleshy-ess, I want to be in control and a plan screams "failure to control" to me. I must be a huge loser if I have to make a plan or a schedule in order to run my household or my life. I have come to realize that by resisting a plan, I am setting myself up for failure. I have no focus, I have no goals set out, I have nothing to follow. I expect to flit aimlessly through life and accomplish something. Yeah, right. Talk about setting yourself up for failure. I've been doing it every day of my married life, pretty much.

I have finally realized that if I don't set goals, I have nothing to aim for. It's taken me years to figure this out. I never said I was the sharpest crayon in the box. :) It's just hit me. The meaning of the quote "If you fail to plan, you plan to fail". DUH Hello, McFly!!!!!

So, in my quest to finally get my household in order, I have decided to put together a Household Management Binder. There are several sites online full of information on these binders. The one I am using right now is www.keepingthehome.com . I find her site the most helpful for me, personally. She uses scripture to back up her choices and looks at the whole thing from a biblical perspective. Here is a list of other sites you may find helpful when putting together a Household Management Binder.

Organized Home
Home Works Best
Mrs Happy Housewife
Prayz God
Be Not Conformed
Fly Lady

So, I have been busy working on schedules, chore charts, and basic everyday things my family does or is involved in. I plan to post updates as I progress with the Binder. So, today I have to go and get more printer paper because I exhausted our meager supply last night. :)

So, anyone interested in joining me in the quest for a smoother running household? Post a comment and share your journey as I share mine.


Erin said...

I am so there with you Sis, I can't handle yelling and screaming at the kids for not keeping there rooms in order, and ending up crying from all the stress if I can't set the example for them in the rest of the house. I know it will be a challange since I start work soon but that is another thing I MUST do. I spend , spend , spend and John can only make so much money and then my family suffers and my marriage dose all so. I will post my work schedual each week and my be we can help each other to get our daily chorse done together as I will be right down the street from you and soon Ian will be in CDC for the day. I will all so be looking for a church on base. I know that I need to get this part of my life back on track.
Thanks for being an insperation

blessedabundantly said...

See, moving is the ideal time to start a new schedule. New house, new rules. :) Can't wait until you move on base. :)

Amber said...

I can't wait to check out your links Denise. You are such an inspiration to me! :)

Unknown said...

Let me know how this is working for you...is it doable??? Maybe I will jump in...my house is far from the way it was in England...I am just too busy to keep it that way anymore...any info would be cool!