27 December 2006

Random thoughts about mistakes and Christianity

You know, I am not perfect, I'm human. I make mistakes. I make huge ones. I can do nothing more than apologize and learn from the huge mistakes I make. I don't know if that is always enough sometimes, but it's the best I can do. I'm only human. Just because I am a Christian does not make me immune to sin. It does not make me perfect. It does put me in a difficult place. People assume that because I am a Christian I must be perfect. I am not allowed to screw up or make mistakes. I know I am held to a higer standard than most because of my beliefs. Maybe not by everyone, but by most people. I know that comes with the territory. But, I am still a human being, full of sin and fleshy ways. It's just as much of a struggle for me as it is for any non-Christian. I'm not a perfect person, I have never claimed to be. I am sinfull, I am pridefull, I gossip, I do all the things "good Christians" should not do. I dissapoint people and hurt them with my words and actions. It doesn't matter if it's done intentionally or not, it's still hurt. I act before I think. I don't always keep my mouth shut when I should. I let anger and pride take over sometimes. I am selfish. I can be mean. Sarcasim is my worst enemy and sometimes my best friend. I make wrong choices every day. I will probably make wrong choices every day for the rest of my life. I can only do the best I can do. Of course, my best is only as good as I let it be. If I try to handle it all myself, I might as well just start digging my hole. That's where my faith and my beliefs come in. I know that no matter how much I screw up, God is there to forgive me. I am not saying this makes every bad thing I have done all better. I'm not saying that everyone I have hurt should forgive me. I have done unforgivable things. I will lose and have lost friendships over stupid choices I made. That's all my fault. I know that I am responsible for the situations I have put myself in. I can't put the blame on anyone else. I'm not saying that those things are forgotten because I am a Christian and turn to God for forgivness. Those things will always be with me and those they have affected. I can't change that. I can only move forward and learn from those situations. Some lessons are harder than others, but they are all lessons. I do know that God forgives , and sometimes that's all you have. I don't expect to be forgiven by everyone I have hurt. It is not going to happen. I know that the reprecussions will follow me and that others will judge me on what they have heard and what I have done. I can't change that. That's part of life. However, I can only apologize so much. I can only dwell on it so long. I can only re-live it so many times. I have to use it as a life lesson and move on. I'm not saying that the moving on is happy thing, it's just necessary. I know that in Christ all is forgotten and forgiven. I know that through mistakes and trials, whether they are of my own doing or not, I can and will learn and make better choices. I am a work in progress, just like everyone else.


Unknown said...

It is hard for some people to accept us as less than perfect. I always think, some day those same people will want us to accept their less than perfect behavior. That will be our chance to accept it, drop it and not dwell on it. And then, maybe they will see what its like not to be harped on for our own mistakes. :)
God Bless,

eph2810 said...

You are right. We are still sinners, forgiven, yet still sinning...

I have read a great quote yesterday:"We have to learn to forgive ourself first before we can move on to forgive others." I have never thought about it that way, but I think there is some deep truth in it...

blessedabundantly said...

Thanks so much eph2810. You are so right about forgiving ourselves. That is very hard for me to do, but I'm working on it. :0) Thanks so much for the reminder.