29 March 2007

Sick Kid,Forgetfull Mom, and Cancelled Plans

Griffin has been to school a grand total of 1 1/2 days this week. He's been sick. Monday Dave picked him up early because the nurse called. I would have done it, but I was at the gym. (which happened to be the only day I made it to the gym this week. UGH) He was running a slight fever. Fifth Disease is going around in his class. I figured he might have it. So, I kept him home on Tuesday to recover. All seemed well.

I sent him to school Wednesday. No calls from the school to pick him up early. Whoo Hoo I picked him up from school and he spent the entire walk home crying. His ear hurt. Poor thing. When we got home, I put a drop of tea tree on a q-tip and swabbed his ear. Not a good idea. Apparently it hurts. BAD. I loaded him up with Motrin and re q-tipped his ear to wipe the tea tree residue out of his ear, set him up on the couch with a pillow and a cover, and let the Motrin work it's magic.

He ended up sleeping with Dave and I, which means I didn't get much sleep wedged between the two of them. He was still a little warm this morning, so I kept him home. He slept until I woke him up at 9:30. I had an appt, so Dave dropped the both of us off. After that we went to the commissary and picked up the truck. By the time we got home and he ate lunch, he was totally wiped out and crashed on the couch.

I asked a friend to pick Lucas up from school for me. However, I forgot that he has homework club after school on Thursdays. Yep, there goes my chance at the Mom of the Year award. LOL She came by on her way home with her kid, to tell me he was still at school. Gotta love friends like that. LOL I ended up sending David after him since Griffin was still not feeling well and I didn't want to leave him alone.

With Griffin being sick, and Dave working late, I had to let Lucas know we were not going to the Pack meeting tonight. This is the second month we have missed the pack meeting. I sent an email to his den leader explaining the situation.

So, dinner has been made, the boys and I have eaten and I am on my way out the door to get Dave from work. Just another normal day around here. :)

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