13 March 2007

My Body Hurts. :)

So, I am doing the Largest Loser thing. It's going well. I have taken 2 exercise classes. The first one I did was Pilates last Friday. It was really nice. No sweating. I hate sweating. LOL It was a great workout and I was sooo sore Saturday morning. By Monday I was recovering, but my lower abs were still a bit sore.

So, Monday Tracee and I went to take a Fit and Ready class. First we walked on the treadmils for 30 minutes. I walked pretty slow. Then it was time for the class. Let me start out by saying I have no coordination whatsoever. NONE. So this class uses a lot of equiptment. We had to drag out steps, hand weights, a jumprope, a mat, and an exercise ball. So we get started with the cardio section, which involves the step. Here is where coordination is needed. Anything other than a basic step up, step down and I was lost. LOL There were times I just had to stop and watch the instructor and try to figure out how to get my brain to tell my feet to move correctly. LOL It was a hard class, but I will go back. Yes, I did sweat. EWWWW

Today my calves hurt. They are tight. I need to do some sort of stretching today to get my muscles relaxed. I don't think I am going to do any exercising today, other than walking the kids to and from school. Tomorrow I won't be exercising either because I have bible study and lunch with the women from bible study. I think there is another class on Thursday and there is Pilates on Friday.:) I should be recovered by then. :)

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