20 February 2009

It's that time.

I totally suck at the blog thing. LOL I need to schedule regular blogging time, I suppose. That would probably help. Sounds like a plan. I should probably get working on it.

I have updated my lapband blog. Things are going well as far as that goes. I'm not much better at updating that blog either. I'm getting better, though.

The family is doing great. Lucas has transitioned from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts. He's had one troop meeting and he has a lock-in tonight. He really likes it and so do we. From what we have seen so far it's a great group of boys. They interact really well and we haven't seen any bullying issues or anything that would cause concern. Lucas is also going on a camping trip during spring break. It will be his first long camping trip without us. He's done overnight camping without us, but it was one time and at his den leaders house. I know he'll have a blast, though.
Griffin is doing great as well. School is going great for him this year. He's having a good time with Cub Scouts as well. I'm the den leader this year. I can't do it next year, so someone else will have to step up. We may end up looking at other packs. It depends on what direction this one goes in. We're losing our Cub Master. His son moved on to Boy Scouts with Lucas.
David is getting closer to graduation every day. He's currently looking for a job. He has filled out a couple applications. He needs to fill out some more. He has a dog now. She's a good dog. We did tell him that he can't keep her if he can't afford to pay the up keep costs.
Dave is doing the work thing. Same ol' same ol'. He tested for Master this year. We're hoping he makes it. It's time for him to make it. :)
I'm doing the SAHM thing. I have been researching colleges for the fall. I'll probably go to the jr college here in town. I need to get to the base and talk to the people in the education office. I know that will help clear up a lot of questions and concerns.

Well, that's it for now.

15 February 2009

It's really not helpful...really.

I would really like to know why people find it necessary to say to me "I'd really like to know what happened to you". It is said to me a lot, mostly at church. Mostly by people praying over me/for me. Actually, it's never been said in that "I haven't seen you in 20 years and you look crap. I'd like to know what happened to you" way. It's always said in a "Wow!!! You're pretty screwed up. I'd like to know what happened to you" type of way. It's pretty disheartening. Really. I mean, if I'm coming up for an alter call, I obviously have issues I am dealing with. Everyone has issues, by the way. Just sayin'... I'm there for a reason, and I do share that reason. What's the point of having someone pray for you if they don't know what they are praying for? I figure the more the pray-er knows the better they can pray, right? I'm also thinking that different people are at different places, ya know? I am probably not at the same point as my designated pray-er( I know there is a different word for this, but work with me here. LOL) At what point does it become necessary to dump the "I'd really like to know what happened to you" thing on me? You know what, I'd really like to know what happened to me, too. It must be something huge. I mean, it comes up a lot..A LOT!!!

I'd like to think it's just an "I'm concerned" type of thing. I'm not sure, though. Visions of people listening to tape recorded sessions sessions with a therapist, pencils at the ready to take notes and tear apart my life come to mind every time I hear that phrase.

I suppose I could see a therapist. Again. I've tried that. I got the whack-a-do therapist who wanted me to sing to myself. Seriously.. In his office..To myself.. Out loud..Whitney Houston, no less..The Greatest Love of All... Seriously... It was nuts. I know I have issues, but I also know I don't have that many issues. LOL In all honesty, I'm good with myself. I'm gaining more confidence. I'm becoming stronger in myself. I can stand up for what I believe in. Life is pretty good. Then the "I'd really like to know what happened to you" hits. UGH.