02 June 2007

The Joys of Moving

Well, to prepare for our international move, ( Doesn't that sound so much more exciting than PCS? LOL) we have been going through tons of stuff. Now the average military family moves every 3-4 years. We have been here for 8 years. Sure we have moved from house to house, but it's not the same as moving from base to base. In those 8 years we have accumulated a ton of stuff. We have also accumulated another child. LOL So we have started the much needed process of weeding out the necessities.

We have made 2-3 dump trips a week, on average, for the last month or so. That's a lot of crap. I mean, we are talking an Expedition load. We have started a pile for a yard sale, that is quickly taking over the house. Thank goodness the yard sale is in 2 weeks. Today Dave and David are taking down the shed. They have managed to empty it out and divide the piles into trash and sort through. Now they are cutting the shed down. We have figured out that we need to ship the truck 6 weeks before we leave in order for it to be waiting for us when we get to the States. That means we need to ship it around June 20th, if we are leaving here Aug 01. That doesn't give us a tremendous amount of time to get all the hauling done that we need to do. It's enough time, but just barely.

Dave goes for his briefing this week. After that we should be able to start setting actual dates. Then the fun stuff starts. LOL Up until now we have been working under self imposed deadlines. It's stressful, but not tremendously stressful. Once the military starts issuing deadlines the real stress begins. :)

Well, I am off to finish sorting through Griffin and Lucas' room. I am going to let them pick 5 toys each and the rest will be packed up. They will still have their game boys and DVDs and such so 5 toys each will be plenty. :)

Hope you all have a great day.

1 comment:

Dana said...

Your blog set-up is nice! I have one too and I enjoy them so I saw that you had one on your siggy post on the group so I checked it out. And stalling about cleaning my kitchen hehe. Sounds like you are going to be super busy! I just PCS'd last summer so I don't even want to think about it. I'm sure you guys are MORE than ready after 8 years!